Saturday, November 6, 2010

Das Recession

I don't remember much of the 80s but remember pretty much a lot people leaving Ireland. Many comparisons can be drawn from today with the 80s but I'm probably not the right person to be draw these comparisons.

Today is typified by gloom and depression, not a day goes by where the media don't bombard us with the constant images of doom and society cracking at the seams. It's hard to see any positives when all we hear is; job losses, rising unemployment and migration. People obviously see no future in Ireland.

However, the recession has given rise to entrepreneurs, new business and opportunities. I have seen a vast amount of start ups pop up and trying to establish themselves. Even amongst all the recession, their are a few rays of light coming through the dark clouds. These people need the help from the government too, they need to stay in Ireland to get out of the recession.

The vast majority of news we hear is the despairing kind though. The overriding feeling of doom and gloom is the ever present feeling of the day. Seeing friends and people leave , people just don't see any future in Ireland  anymore.

Will this change in the near future?